The Key(s) to Great Sex After Baby
Jan 10, 2020Four Guidelines for Sex After Baby
Having sex for the first time after having a baby is a bit like, well, having sex for the very first time ever!
- What will it feel like?
- Will it hurt?
- Will my partner enjoy it?
After babe, having sex for the first time comes with a whole new set of fears and questions.
My tummy is poochy. Something doesn’t feel right down there. Is it safe? Will we wake the baby? Will my husband be able to feel anything? Will I get breastmilk all over? Is it too early? Waaaa!!! (That could be you or the baby crying!
Whenever it feels right for you, here are some guidelines that can help lessen some of the fears and hesitations.
Reconnect With Your Core
Most of the fears and worries are all centred in your centre – your core. Two major components of the core are the pelvic floor and the abdomen. These two parts of your body play an integral role in sex and they are probably the areas you are thinking about the most right now.
It is generally advisable to wait six weeks before resuming penetrative sex, but until then you can, and should, take time to reconnect with your core. Doing so will help heal and repair ‘down there’.
Core breathing will help increase blood flow and circulation to the healing tissues, it will help restore tone to the pelvic floor and abdomen and it gives you time to just breathe, even if just for a few minutes.
Reconnecting to your core will not only help you heal physically but with a stronger core, your confidence and emotional well-being will benefit as well. (Oh, and a strong pelvic floor means better orgasms, too!)
Get Assessed
You’ve heard me say it before and I’ll say it again – every woman, especially every woman who has had children, should see a pelvic floor physiotherapist.
I recommend seeing one at around six weeks postpartum. Your physio will look at your healing tissues, assess the function of your muscles to see if there is any nerve damage and tell you if your organs are all where they should be. Important information!
She will also tell you that sex is good for you and your pelvic floor – sexercise, especially with orgasm, is a great pelvic floor workout!
Slow and Steady
Whether it is six weeks or six months post, once you make the decision to ‘do it’ take it slow and steady and use some lube. Hormones may contribute to vaginal dryness and lubrication can help reduce any friction or irritation so you can enjoy it more.
By taking it slow, you and your partner can ease into it and ensure it feels right and then be able to make adjustments if something doesn’t quite feel like it used to or if something hurts. Sex should never hurt – if it does, it is another reason to see your pelvic floor physiotherapist.
Position Yourself
Before baby, you may have loved being on top, but maybe that position leaves you feeling vulnerable now, or maybe it just doesn’t feel like it used to.
Don’t get discouraged and maybe try something new.
Most importantly: there’s no rush. Enjoy your baby. Breathe, breastfeed and bathe. Honour your body and allow it to heal. Sex will happen when you are ready.
Recommended programs:
The Buff Muff App
The Buff Muff App will help you finally get clarity on the elusive kegel and teach you how to activate your pelvic floor appropriately and then add it to movement. There is a ton of free content available to anyone who downloads the app including a 7-day pelvic floor fitness challenge to introduce you to the concept of a whole-body fitness approach to pelvic health. Once the free challenge ends you have the option to join the membership for ongoing support from me, your very own vagina coach.
You deserve body confidence and it all starts with the pelvic floor!